You are about to pay your Ouray County Property Taxes. Your taxes are not paid until funds settle into our bank account. You, the user of this Website, are responsible for insuring payments have been made, funds settled and credit applied.
These payments are for current year & prior year taxes only, not for endorsements by lien holders.
Prior year taxes MUST be paid OR with the current year tax installment due. Current year taxes cannot be paid if prior year taxes are due and can only be paid online with a credit card.
The payment processor will add the following fees to your total at checkout. These convenience fees are not collected by Ouray County and are non-refundable.- Credit/Debit Cards - 2.45% ($2.00 minimum)- E-Checks - $2.00 per transaction
For those paying prior years taxes online: I, the undersigned, represent that I am the owner, agent, assignee, attorney, or have legal or equitable claim therein. C.R.S. 39-12-103 (1) Real Property for which a tax lien was sold under the provisions of article 11 of this title as a result of delinquent taxes may be redeemed by the owner thereof or his agent, assignee, or attorney, or by any person having a legal or equitable claim therein, or by a holder of tax sale certificate. Paying the tax lien online does not change ownership of the property.
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